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We would like to thank everyone who attended our International Symposium, “New Construction with Stones”! It was an amazing event, with 117 people on-site and 300 tuning in online.

Universidade da Beira Interior – UBI, in collaboration with ACPMR – Associação Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources co-organized the symposium. Covilhã Município joined us in the opening session.

We also want to extend our thanks to our amazing keynote speakers Addrienn Tomor from The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, Pierre Bideaud from The Stonemasonry Company Limited and Giuseppe Fallacara Chirico from the Politecnico di Bari.

The Symposium was made possible by the support of our partners, including Universidade de Évora, Fravizel, Solancis SA, CEI – Companhia de Equipmentos Industriais, Lda., Granitos Cunha, Assimagra – Recursos Minerais de Portugal and Município de Pinhel.

The event was part of the INOVC + project, which was co-financed by Portugal 2020, Centro 2020 and Regional Development. We are also grateful for the funding support of FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.

And a special thanks to the Covilhā Museus, which provided us with a guided tour of the historic centre of Covilha.

Thank you all for your participation and support!

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